Pink Paisley Guitars for Sale and for Orders

I have four pink paisley guitars for sale as examples of my new vintage accurate pink paisley paper with the textured silver background that has eluded me for years. The guitars are not meant to be exact reproductions of the original paisleys. These instruments are inspired by the look of the past built with the modern features that I use on my custom guitars. Continue reading

Vintage Pink Paisley Print in the Paint Booth

The new vintage pink paisley print has made it into the paint booth where I’ve applied the side color and tint and some clear coat. This really brings out the details of the new silver embossed textured background paper. If you look closely, you can see the same details and depth as the original paper. I’m really happy with the sharpness and clarity and the accuracy of the print in both color and registration. Continue reading

New Pink Paisley Paper: Vintage Accurate, BP Approved

Over the years, I have worked to make my pink paisley paper the best it could be. Although I wondered if I had taken the technique as far as it could go, that paper has always been in the back of my mind. In the past few months, I sat down with my new graphic artist and printer, and we developed a technique that has me really excited.

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